Typefaces? Two are Enough!

Typefaces? Two are Enough!

So many design professional call "font" as typeface. So, to make it look professional, I will use "typeface" instead of "font".

Use only two typefaces, one for big titles and anotherfor standard text, and use bold or italic styles for emphasis instead of changing typefaces. This keeps things clear for users and avoids too much visual mess.

Many designers need to use more different typefaces in their designs. Ah, of course, you can use more than two typefaces, but you need to be careful. If you use more than two typefaces, you must ensure they are different enough to be easily distinguishable. If they are too similar, it can be confusing for users. Instead of changing to completely different typefaces, you can make text stand out using medium font size . This way, you can keep the design clean and easy to read. Also, you can use different sizes, colors, and spacing to create a hierarchy and make the text more interesting.

For some context, having too many typefaces makes things look messy and confuses the reader. Also, some fancy typefaces designed for the brand might look cool but need reading help.

So, what's the point?
  • • Use only two typefaces maximum.
  • • Use one typeface for heading and titles.
  • • Use another typeface for body text.